Monday, September 14, 2009

A Brook trout I caught at a campground. Steph being a trooper as usual and very pregnant. This is her dad trying to catch a few fish himself.

Yes we were trying to hand feed the pot guts. They would just keep coming and coming.

Fishing in Rockport reservoir and of course playing on the trampoline in my off time.

Camping and fishing in Idaho.

This is a picture of three bucks, two of which are nice sized. They live on state street in Midvale Utah. They would hang out on the property where we were building homes. Kinda cool but weird to see them right in town among traffic.

I like to do wood working and do some miscellaneous wood stuff. I am really getting into making toys for my nephews and now my own daughter. It isn't very good work but it is fun as heck and I am ok with not perfect. My little brother Stephen is the artist on the nativity scene.

I don't know how I started to collect coke bottles and cans and it has become a huge collection. I collect any can or bottle that changes the label or flavor. I have about 400 cans and bottles from all over the world. The cans are no longer full as the coke liguid eats the wax on the inside of the can and then will penetrate the can and leaks all over. The bottles are mostly full and those that aren't are ones that have had to travel and most likely were not permitted on the plane full. This is not a good picture because I really don't have the room to display all of them at once. Not to mention all the other coke stuff that I have acquired over the years. It is amazing what kind of stuff you can find with the label coke
This is a trip that we took to Idaho. This is at a neighbors house by the parents. They made a slip and slide out of billboard tarps. I can't believe we didn't have things like this when i was a kid. I love this kind of stuff. Raab even does it now. He is so funny to watch. But thanks to the Jensens we can enjoy this and only cause them.

On this trip we also took Steph's nieces shooting. They had never shot any other type of gun other than a .22 or shotgun. So we took a few shooting an AR-15 and Mac-90.

I know I know you are all going to be so jealous. Yes my kid is cuter than yours!! Can you tell that I am a very proud man? Of course the looks come from my side of the family. This is seconds after she was born.

After about 19 hours of trying to dialate at least to a five we got the epiderl and finally some pain relief. Then by about 8:50 am she was fully faced. Labor or actual labor only took about 20 minutes to push her out. Nothing but EASY for Steph. I was so proud of her. She lasted so long natural and endured the pain. Our midwife (Lyndsay Brienholt) and nurse (Jasmin) were awesome. I got to help more than I thought I would. I didn't get many pictures cause I was so involved. It was so fun.

Tieran Avedon Morley was born 9/8/09 at 9:12 in the morning. She weighed 7lbs 14ounces and is 20.5 inches long. It was amazing.

The Grandma's holding the new addition to the Morley family. This is truly something that I thought would never happen. My sister kandice even says she could never see it happening. I know it took forever but I finally found someone to share an awesome life with and now we have an incredible little life to love and watch grow. I am so excited.......

I usually don't sleep and haven't needed sleep cause i truthfully can run on almost nothing. But it has never been this hard before. I am so tired in this picture. I was seriously emptied. I actually fell asleep with the baby in hand. It scared me so much that I had to wake up Steph and get her to help out. I was trying to do it all knowing she needs her sleep so much more than I do. After the birth she had complications. She hemoraged so bad and so much blood she had to have a transfusion. It was honestly a very trying moment and day for me as much as it was Stephanie. She is so tough and went through a lot and thank goodness we made it through. Thanks to the doctors and all the people that were there helping.

This is the little girl that I love so much. I couldn't be more thankful for her in my life. It has been a long time coming. I owe to a select group of people that have helped me in my life. I am lucky that I have had those people around when I needed them. You all know who you are and how much I love you. Please know that I don't say it enough but I am so very thankful.