Monday, June 8, 2015

Parables of Christ: Eternal Truths

This week in institute I have had the opportunity to study and learn from 5 Parables in the New Testament in Luke.  I think that Parable that stood out to me most was the Parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus and how we treat others especially those who ask for our help.  The picture I attached really made this parable come alive to our time, and we all had interactions with "Lazarus" of our own.   I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from these Parable and have the opportunity of hear their message and listen to the Spirit as it tries to teach me.

Here is what I learned this week:

Luke 16:1-12 the Parable of the Unjust Steward

 We need to be honest in our daily dealings with fellow men whether it is in the workplace, home or church.  We must worry more about our inheritance in heaven than the riches on earth.  How can the Lord trust us with his greatest gift if we can not be trustworthy in our trial period?

Luke 16:19-31 Lazarus and the Rich Man

We need to serve the Lord in this world, and forgo the worldly treasures.  Those who are obedient will inherit the kingdom of heaven, and those like the rich man who treats others unrighteous will long to be in the celestial kingdom.  The rich man also begged that his family be warned of what he was experiencing after death, and he was told that they had been warned by the prophets.  We must learn and listen hear, because this is the Lord warning us.

Luke17:11-19 Healing of Ten Lepers

 We need to have faith that when we ask for a blessing that it will be given unto us.  We also need to be humble “fell down on his face at his feet” and have gratitude.  We need to thank our Heavenly Father for all the blessings that he grants us each day, and he will continue to make us whole.

Luke 18:1-8 the Parable of the Unjust Judge

We must pray continually, even if our prayers are not answered quickly and may take a long time. 

Luke 18:9-14   the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

We need to pray in humility, not for show, not for the content of the wordiness of our prayers, but with the humility of our souls.  We do not pray for the world to see (as the Pharisee) but for Heavenly Father to hear. 

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